Friday, October 1

Harmony Coffee

At school I usually drink ''Harmony Coffee'', which basically is a cappuccino with white chocolate. They rasp white chocolate bars and dissolve it with the milk. I love it so much I decided to make it myself.

  • Your coffee (either a latte, cappuccino or even black)
  • 3 teaspoon white chocolate (or to taste)
  1. When you are making your coffee, rasp your white chocolate or melt it au bain marie style. I prefer to rasp it since that dissolves better, and when melting white chocolate it usually get's hard again and you get chunks in your coffee. Or use melting chocolate.
  2. If you are making a latte, add the white chocolate when the milk is at it's highest temperature. When you are making black coffee, add it as soon as possible.
  3. Serve your coffee!

Delicious in a big mug in front of the telly on a rainy day.
The mug is from Blond Amsterdam


  1. Wow, this has to taste so great! I love coffee and I love white chocolate! Also, I love the picture you've made and the cup is just adorable, BTW. :) Petra

  2. White chocolate cappucino...this is the first I've heard of it. Sounds yummy. I will try it for sure, soon as I buy some white chocolate. Love the cute cup and saucer! So whimsical. Thanks for following my blog, and your friendship on Foodbuzz!

  3. So easy and must have taste good too :)
